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The Drakelow Vampires

8th February 2023 by Mark Knight

(10 minute read).   The image is of Roger the Poitevin from a stained glass window in Lancaster Cathedral Creative Commons licence  CC BY-SA 4.0   Caring for and conserving our cultural heritage is more than just looking after the tangible remains of our shared past, such as buildings and monuments.  It is also about […]

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The River Trent name and the birthplace of a goddess

22nd November 2022 by Mark Knight

Our story begins around 5,000 years ago with the creation of the Catholme Ceremonial Complex.  In the early 2000s,  an archaeological team led by Professor Henry Chapman of the University of Birmingham unearthed an incredible series of finds at Catholme.  A ritual landscape based around a series of ceremonial monuments focussed on the confluence of three […]

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